About me
Varun Mudholkar
Hey folks, thanks for visiting this site. That's me trying to be cool with my hat on. I remember when my amazing wife used to pester me into taking pictures of her and us. It used to be a chore, but it wasn't until I picked up my first DSLR that I started seeing it for what it was. Capturing moments and building memories, meeting amazing people and capturing a fragment of their life is the rarest of opportunities.
Some facts about me:
My amazing wife is the reason I do everything. It was her persistence that formed my passion.
I am an engineer and I love what I do.
Photography is for my soul, and it brings me a sense of calmness.
My philosophy is to be part of the solution not the problem. I use this in every aspect of life.
Favorite Teaching: Be happy with what you have and always put family first - My Aajoba (Grand Father).
Hope you enjoy the rest of the page, give me a shout if you have any questions.